Chip and Sip- chipping

9. Juli 2024, 17:45 — 18:45
$25.00 - $25.00 Registrieren
Für diese Veranstaltung ist keine Online-Buchung möglich


Chipping lesson. Please meet at the chipping green by the clubhouse,  arrive 5-10 minutes before class starts. Bring your pitching wedge and 7 iron.

Includes lesson, drink chip, drills and games! Hang out with your golf buddies and meet new golf mates!!

Questions- Contact Darcy Kelly at [email protected]

Registrierung / Ticket-Optionen :

Chip and Sip-chipping

Wann und wo

9. Juli 2024
3165 Shadyside Drive, Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589
Ansichts Karte



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