Drive-In Movie Night

6. September 2024, 19:00 — 21:30
$0.00 - $0.00 Registrieren
Für diese Veranstaltung ist keine Online-Buchung möglich


Watch 'Cars' the movie under the stars at DCC!

Event starts at 7PM down on the golf range. Movie starts once dark enough. $15 includes movie and your personal bucket of popcorn and drink and will be charged to your account. Additional snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. Bring extra blankets, chairs, and bug spray.

If you want to have dinner beforehand at the clubhouse, please make reservations by calling 217-442-5213 or by making an online reservation at

Registrierung / Ticket-Optionen :

Movie Ticket

Wann und wo

6. September 2024
Denmark Rd, Danville, Illinois, 61832
Ansichts Karte



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