Junior Lessons (8-14 yrs old)

23. Juli 2024, 08:30 — 11:15
Für diese Veranstaltung ist keine Online-Buchung möglich


In the note section, please enter Child's name, age, parent and emergency contact (Phone #'s and E-mails), Past Golf Experience and do they have their own clubs.

By signing up you agree to all personal absences are forfeited and you give permission to use your child's picture on the Red Barn Web-site and Social Media sites.

Registrierung / Ticket-Optionen :

8:30am Lesson

9:30am Lesson

10:30am Lesson

Wann und wo

23. Juli 2024
12379 Wagon Wheel Rd, Rockton, Illinois, 61072
Ansichts Karte



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